Tag azure

Automating Azure PowerShell Logins

  After messing with Azure and four or five orchestration engines at the same time and not having one single good way to authenticate against AzureAD, I dig some digging and have put together about 78 pieces of info into… Continue Reading →

Public Cloud “Lock-in” – Is this really a thing?

  Why yes, it is a thing as I am writing an article about it. BUT – Is it something that an enterprise should be concerned with, ever? In my travels of visiting all sectors of industry in 2017 (and… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt.10 – Azure SQL PaaS

As the cloud culture and message evolves one of the main drums that beat is the simplicity of public cloud services which include Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).  IaaS is cool, useful, and easy to spin up but IaaS is just one of… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt.9 – com.microsoft.windowsazure.exception.ServiceException: ExpiredAuthenticationToken

After a little hiatus from blogging, I am back at it and my first order of business was to create a few more items around Azure + vRA that were top of mind. After logging into the lab after a… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt.8 – Automated startup and shutdown of Azure VMs

The ability to shutdown workloads in the cloud based off of workload type, application, environment, etc which can be crazy powerful… and will save you and/or your company a few bucks. In this video, I will walk you through the… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt.7 – Modifying the Azure Catalog Item

Looking back at my first vlog in this series, I showed you how to “enable” the ability to modify the OOTB vRealize Automation Azure XaaS blueprint and vRealize Orchestrator workflows to enable tasks like AD creation or change control creation for… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt.6 – Changing the Instance Type of an Azure VM

The Azure portal has a really cool feature that allows its consumers to quickly change the instance type, which in essence is adding or removing CPU cores, Memory, possibly disks and disk types. In this vlog I will show you… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt. 5 – Changing the Instance Types Available in vRA

The OOTB instance types VMware provided us are pretty old and need to be updated. Also, they frequently run “PROMO” instance types at steep discounts and lastly, maybe you don’t want your users spinning up G5 instance types which are nearly… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt.4 – Adding Tags

Tagging is becoming an integral part of any cloud project as hostnames are becoming a thing of the past. Tagging is now used across enterprises for anything from workload placement, SLAs and OLAs, to backup schedules and showback. In this… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt.3 – Adding Data Disks

A key piece of any Cloud Management Portal is to get the admins out of doing mundane and sometimes tedious operations and to just put those in the hands of the consumer. In this vlog, I will cover how to allow… Continue Reading →

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