Are you struggling with using USB drives as internal hard drives on your Xpenology device? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to make it happen on a fresh install of TCRP 7.x.

First, ensure that you have installed TCRP on a USB Drive. Once you’ve loaded TCRP into the bootloader, you can begin editing the user_config.json file.

To do this, SSH into your device with the IP address assigned to it through DHCP. Then, open the user_config.json file with the command “sudo VI user_config.json”.

In the file, scroll down to the “synoinfo” section. Here, you’ll find the “internalportcfg” section. To enable USB drives to be recognized as internal hard drives, add “0xfffffff” to this section.

This will allow up to 40 devices to be detected as internal hard disks. If you want to change the maximum number of disks, be aware that you may encounter mixed results. In general, 16 is plenty for most use cases.

Next, add another line called “usbportcfg” with a value of “0x0”. This will ensure that external hard drives are detected as internal hard drives.

If your device has eSATA ports, you can add another line for them as well (“esataportcfg” with a value of “0x0”). However, you may need to experiment with the configuration to get it to work properly.

Once you’ve made these changes, save the file and exit. Then, finish installing Xpenology and your USB drives should be recognized as internal hard drives.

Overall, using USB drives as internal hard drives on Synology is not as difficult as it may seem. By following these steps, you can easily enable this functionality and expand your storage capacity.