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Five [easy] Public Cloud Use Cases for the Enterprise

  Don’t know where to start? Don’t know how to start? Below are five(5) initial use cases to understand how and why the public cloud will drive down costs (not just capital, but operational as well) while simplifying IT Operations in your organization…. Continue Reading →

Value of a Cloud Management Platform with Public Cloud

The more I dive into public cloud services across GCP, AWS, and Azure and their native tooling, the more the idea that the value of the CMP(Cloud Management Platform/Portal) is diminished and I start to think the need is just… Continue Reading →

Automating Azure PowerShell Logins

  After messing with Azure and four or five orchestration engines at the same time and not having one single good way to authenticate against AzureAD, I dig some digging and have put together about 78 pieces of info into… Continue Reading →

Cut Data Center infrastructure spend by at least 30% (or more!)

  No, I’m not going to talk to you about snake oil or about moving to the public cloud or even a Colo. This is a very simple and VERY achievable plan to absolutely cut your data center infrastructure spend by… Continue Reading →

Public Cloud “Lock-in” – Is this really a thing?

  Why yes, it is a thing as I am writing an article about it. BUT – Is it something that an enterprise should be concerned with, ever? In my travels of visiting all sectors of industry in 2017 (and… Continue Reading →

HP Operations Orchestration and ServiceNOW Integrations

In this video, I cover how effortlessly HP OO (Operations Orchestration) allows the end user to integrate with ServiceNOW. In the examples in the video, I cover how to create a Change Request as well as creating a CMDB Configuration… Continue Reading →

HP Operations Orchestration – Clone a VM from Template

Over the last three years, I have talked to a majority of the Fortune 500 companies that reside in the midwest and just a couple of those either a) use HP OO (HP Operations Orchestration) or b) admit to using… Continue Reading →

Extending Azure in vRA Pt.10 – Azure SQL PaaS

As the cloud culture and message evolves one of the main drums that beat is the simplicity of public cloud services which include Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).  IaaS is cool, useful, and easy to spin up but IaaS is just one of… Continue Reading →

XPENology // Synology NAS — Use External USB Hard Drives in a RAID Group — Updated!

Ok Ok… This will be the last of my Homelab video for a bit, as I want my main focus to be on cloud technologies but with any tinkering outside of pure public cloud, you need a lab and a lab… Continue Reading →

XPENology // Synology NAS — Use External USB Hard Drives in a RAID Group

**Updated post**     <—- Go to this one after reading this one over! Let me preface this post by saying this is extremely experimental and definitely not supported by Synology and is only a test on my XPENology DS3615xs. I will also… Continue Reading →

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